2 years ago

PPsalm 51:7 King James Version
7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

While I was reading this morning's passage of scripture, God brought to my heart some very important things from His Word. In particular, He reminded me of Psalm 51 in which David poured out his heart to God in confession over his sin against God and Bathsheba, and how he came broken, penitent, and genuinely repentant before God over what he had done. Trust me when I tell you guys, David did a great deal of evil in regards to Bathsheba, but the wonderful thing about God's forgiveness, is that He not only forgives, but He doesn't remember it! I was also incredibly challenged by the questions from this morning's devotional, because I believe they deal a lot with this area of sincere repentance, and I'd like to share those questions with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that you'll be able to answer them honestly to yourself and to God.

When the Holy Spirit reveals your sins to you, what’s your response?
How does John describe the process of bringing your sin to God and repenting of it (see 1 John 1:9)?

I think many times I either try to justify my sin, try to hide it from God, or all of the above. Ultimately, when God has me face to face with my sin, I cry out to God in sincere repentance to Him, and He forgives me! That's why I want to share this vlog with you guys so badly, and I pray that if you are trying to hide sin from God, or you're struggling with something that you think God will hate you over, to know that you can't hide anything from God, but above all you can confess anything to Him, and He'll never cash you aside. Come join me tonight, and see what I mean!!

So, as I close this post for tonight, I pray that if you are dealing with ANY unconfessed sin, and God, through His Holy Spirit, is convicting you of it, to humble yourself before God, confess, repent of, and forsake this sin, and do so NOW! Don’t waste any time trying to hide your sin from God, (It won’t work, because He sees it anyway!), thinking you’ll get away with it, but confess and repent of it TODAY! Choose to come to your senses, with a humble and repentant heart, and acknowledge your sin to Him. Choose to place your sins under the cleansing light of God's holiness, turn from your sins, and return to Him! It may be an unpleasant experience, and there might be consequences, but when you confess your sin to God, He’ll not only forgive you of that sin, and cleanse you, but He will NEVER remember that sin! Come let the only One who cleans the stains of the soul, and offers complete forgiveness renew your fellowship with Him today!



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