European Union Collective – Christopher Story – Preface 1.2

2 years ago


This book is a daring analysis of the plans of two major players in the battle for Europe's destiny. One is Germany and the dream of a Pan-Germany. The other is Russia, which had plans since the Soviet era.

In our days, the EU is seen as an enemy of the nations it comprises, thus Christopher Story thinks. He is able to see a "German and Russian strategy to complete Lenin's World Revolution

Notes and references
9. The late Dr Joseph Retinger. See Part Two of this work.
10. The Comintern's 'Blueprint for World Conquest', adopted at the Sixth World Congress of
the Comintern on 1st September 1928, published in English by Human Events, Washington
and Chicago, 1946, page 90, citing 'The Theses and Statutes ofthe Communist International',
as adopted at the Second World Congress, 17th July to 7th August 1920, Moscow, and as
published by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party USA, New York, 1921.
11. V.I. Lenin, 'Collected Works', Volume XVII, page 149.
12. See for example, Dr Stephen Burkitt et al, International Currency Review, Volume 23,
Number 3, pages 87-134, Summer 1996.
13. Addressing a Scientific and Practical Conference of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs
held in Moscow on 25th July 1988, MVD General Eduard Shevardnadze, who was then a
member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and Minster of Foreign Affairs of the
USSR, confirmed officially that the decolonisation process was actively provoked by the
USSR (that is, originally by the Comintern): 'Let us recall the role played by Soviet diplomacy
in posing the question of eliminating the colonial system and in resolving this problem'. The
Soviets promoted this policy in unrevealed collaboration with the United States, an alliance
traceable back to the 1920s-exploiting the Americans' psychological hangover from colonial
times. It was also assisted by covert Soviet support for left-wing agitprop operations in Britain
and the Colonies, such as the Movement for Colonial Freedom, and through propaganda
directed at British military forces during the Second World War. The United States routinely
supports the United Nations Decolonisation Committee, a triumph of Soviet covert planning,
even though the US Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa have been targeted.

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