Why Complex Trauma is So COMPLEX [Explained]

2 years ago

WHY COMPLEX TRAUMA IS SO COMPLEX [EXPLAINED] // In this video I will explain more about complex trauma, relational trauma, and CPTSD. What does complex trauma mean, how do you get complex trauma, and how do you know if you have cptsd? This video is not intended to diagnose but to give perspective and insight into the confusion, the chaos that’s inside of the mind of someone who experiences cptsd. There are many hidden signs of complex ptsd which are many. Often feelings of confusion, disconnection, emotional highs and lows, ups and downs, anxiety, depression, numbness, and so many more. There are many signs you are suffering from cptsd and this video certainly doesn’t go into all of them. If you are coping with cptsd – aren’t you ready to do more than just “cope” especially if you’ve experienced complex trauma from narcissistic abuse like I did and are now ready to live a life you love free emotionally and physically from those past complexities. Let's connect at www.re-write-your-life.com

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