Perfection in the pursuit of Excellence of Ministry

2 years ago

Too many people exhaust themselves in "serving" God because they want everything to be perfect. Excellence and perfection are two different things. God has called us to be perfect--Complete in him.
Genesis 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
God was telling Abram to be complete in your faith toward me.
Don't wear yourself out trying to do everything without flaws.
Perfectionism is the outgrowth of legalism and failure to recognize the grace of God. We can do little in our own strength, but with God’s grace—his empowerment—we can accomplish much. We all will make mistakes from time to time. Math errors, saying the wrong thing, etc. are mistakes we all make. This is different than repeated, willful disobedience.
GRACE: Christian Perfection, Completeness.-- Maturing, growing in Christ, living our lives sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Relaxed and content. Trusts God and has true faith. Relies on His grace and mercy when necessary.
WORKS: Perfectionism--A rigid system of do’s and don’ts by which an individual lives by to feel like they are accepted and WORTHY to be blessed because they obey the rules. Because everything is very black and white, perfectionists do not look at degrees of improvement in themselves or others. Because of their attitude of having to be right and perfect all the time, they set themselves up to constantly fall short in performance because they can always spot flaws.
Learn the difference in this teaching and begin to enjoy your Christian life again!

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