Batch 42 Knife Steel Composition Test Results We’ve got winners & liars !!

3 years ago

Batch 42 Test Results

Brother Knives 1511 VG-10 - Yes

Brother Knives 1512 lockback 440C - No - 8CR14MOV

Eafengrow EF63 D2 - No either 8CR13MOV or 8CR14MOV

Eafengrow EF951 D2 - Yes

Eafengrow EF954 D2 - Yes

Eafengrow EF76 D2 - Yes

FreeTiger FT21 D2 - Yes

FreeTiger FT11 14C28N - Yes

Fura Gear 210 D2 - Yes

OERLA TAC unknown - 8CR14MOV/8CR15MOV

Warspear WP501 14C28N - Yes

Y-Start Jin02 D2 - No - 8CR14MOV

How an XRF Analyzer works:

Why carbon and other light elements are not detected with the XRF Analyzer:

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