The Ringworm Children: A Jewish Genocide

2 years ago

The Ringworm Children testing of large radiation doses on humans.

Mortality after radiotherapy for ringworm of the scalp


The Ringworm Children Testing Of Large Radiation Doses On

Radiation babies' worry

To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of "scalpal ringworm."
6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing ..

Michael Reese Hospital and the Campaign to Warn the US Public of the Long-Term Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 1973–1977

To Err is Human: Can American Medicine Learn from Past Mistakes?

A generation of Canadian children was given radiation treatment and never warned of the cancer risks

The Ringworm Irradiators

An estimated 50,000 children from 1950 to 1959 were treated for ringworm infection. Ringworm irradiation also occurred in Syria, Morocco, Portugal,
Ukraine, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States. It's estimated that ultimately as many as 200,000 children worldwide were exposed to x-rays for their fungal infections (

The mortality experience of 10,834 children treated with x-rays for ringworm of the scalp between 1948 and 1960,
10,834 matched comparison subjects, and 5,392 siblings was evaluated over an average follow-up period of 26 years.

Mortality was ascertained by linking unique personal identification numbers of study subjects with the national death registry.

Radiotherapy in childhood was associated with an increased risk of death due to tumors of the head and neck (relative risk (RR) = 3) and leukemia (RR = 2.3).
No other causes of death were significantly elevated after irradiation. The excess of brain tumors (average intracranial dose = 150 rads) confirms that the central nervous system of the child is sensitive to the induction of cancers by radiation.
The bone marrow dose averaged over the entire body was approximately 30 rad,
and the estimated risk coefficient of 0.9 excess leukemias per million per year per rad is consistent with other studies of whole-body exposure.
A significant excess of bone and soft tissue sarcomas (RR = 9) was also observed.

original link by Wayne Crouch A.N.R. News

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