Audiophile Junkie Website is Live - Plus I Discuss Amir vs Paul Drama in the Hobby - Audiophile BS?

2 years ago

Packed a few updates and topics into this video. First, I highlight the new website I developed to provide one location for various requests I've received asking "where did you get XYZ [in the video]". It's mostly links designed for budget-minded audiophiles and DIYers that want to do some of the same things I've featured in my videos.

I also share my favorite brands and dealers as well as mention some Russian Sovtek tubes I have extra and available for subscribers first...before listing on ebay or audiogon.

The second half of the video showcases some recent drama and controversial videos I watched in the hobby. First, I focus on the controversy between Amir at Audio Science Review and Paul and PS Audio related to a review of one of their power plants.

Next, I focus on a familiar click bait topic used in audiophile videos such as "Do Cables Matter". I address some of the disappointment I have watching these videos and share some tips and questions to consider to help you judge the credibility of various sources of information.

If there are any links in the description or video, it may be an affiliate link for which I may earn a commission.

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