Elden Ring Part 23 - Church of Vows, Uld Palace Ruins, Black Knife Catacombs found, Erd Tree Avatar.

2 years ago

Hey, all!

In this video we keep exploring and find the Church of Vows, and the greatest turtle ever! Then we try to make our way through the Uld Palace Ruins, above ground portion, and find the Black Knife Catacombs. However I wasn't able to kill the skeletons there so wasn't able to explore them. Then we find several Wandering Mausoleums, and another Erd Tree Avatar! Things are definitely getting harder here!

This is the first half of a live stream from back on Thursday the 24th! If you'd like to see me play, join me on Twitch! twitch.tv/thiefwhispers I stream every Sunday at 4pm EST, and Thursdays at 5:30pm EST! I'd love to see you there!

Thanks to bensound.com for the intro and outro music!

Thanks, all!

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