Don't Be a Useful Idiot

2 years ago

are you a #russellbrand fan?
are you a #usefulidiot or just another #deadfishgoingwiththeflow ?

Seems to many that many more #consumeconformandobey with little to no thought as to the consequences of thier thoughts and/or actions,

Don't let ignorance be your bliss, stop being a useful idiot all the wondering what's wrong with everyone else AND never owning up or being accountable for who you are.

a strong #mindbodyandsoul are not made in comfort so get off your ass and be the change you want to see in your life.

Vibrate higher, give love unconditionally and stay true to yourself.

Practice #mindfulness #compassion and #kindness but stay the course.

☮️💞🙏 from the Farm,
take what you need and pass it along.

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