Busting Xinjiang "Genocide" Lies with Jerry Grey, Former UK Cop in China

3 years ago

Jerry Grey, a British-Australian expat living in China, who has travelled to Xinjiang, and has a law enforcement background - joins The New Atlas to discuss the recent Uyghur Tribunal and CNN piece involving an alleged former Chinese police officer who has fled to Germany with tales of “genocide.”

He also shares many other related stories making for an in-depth conversation.

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Follow Jerry Grey:

On Medium: https://jerry-grey2002.medium.com/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jerry_grey2002
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9B3-2lBJ-bRwlT3KIy6Ug/videos


Uyghur Tribunal - “Mr. Jiang’s” full testimony on June 7, 2021:
The New Atlas - Uyghur Tribunal: US-Funded Theater Attacking China:
National Endowment for Democracy - Xinjiang/East Turkestan (China) 2020:
Voice of America - Beijing Blasts 'Tribunal' Investigating Human Rights in Xinjiang (World Uyghur Congress staff admittedly translating for the tribunal):
CNN - Chinese whistleblower exposes torture of Uyghur prisoners in CNN interview:
Uyghur Tribunal - Wang Leizhan (aka Jiang), June 7, 2021:
Uyghur Tribunal - Wang Leizhan (aka Jiang), written statement (English):
Uyghur Tribunal - Wang Leizhan (metadata indicates second pseudonym, “Mr. Jiang”), written statement (Mandarin)

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