
2 years ago

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It Is 11:11pm. God spoke to me as Dog stirred and woke me. God said “Velocity. Your velocity has created sufficient lift for takeoff.” Aeroplanes require lift that is generated by their very specific wing shape. In birds the shape is created by a flex in the flight feathers. God then spoke the word “inversion“.
(Inversions signify stable air giving smooth flying conditions, although some turbulence can be experienced while crossing over.)
God says “it is smooth sailing from here“ although I do see that there might be a small bump or two with in God‘s plans for you. God said you are on an upward trajectory that is supernatural. Others will sit up and take notice. “Sing hallelujah and worship me. This is the (huge golden) key to unlock My goodness in this season.”. God showed me a room in a maternity ward that was full of babies. “Congratulations are in order.
The birthing process is complete.
I’m taking nothing back in this season. This is a time to flourish. Creativity is essential in this season. For the world is to see my goodness in ways never before shared. take out your pen and write, write, write with me. For natural justice comes about by supernatural means.” God showed me a packet of crisp chips. “My love is crunchy, delightful, full of surprises. Like the person in the cinema drawing everybody’s attention by noisily munching on crunchy chips, my goodness made manifest through you will be hard to miss.” God reminds me of the icon that hovers above the head of a Sims character. “You have been singled out by my hand alone. Be proud for you have answered the call where others chose not to leave the world behind. You chose to follow me to higher ground. This is your territory. You chose to follow me and your loyalty will not be ignored.” Here God reminded me that many have walked away from good incomes due to mandates. “Your faithfulness astounds. That places you in good stead for I know now that I can trust you with the greater things of my kingdom. There are those who would put their hand out to receive a title and a deed. But without any demonstration of their faith in me I could not entrust my treasure house to those little ones. Only you are found worthy to possess the key to greater things. You stand shoulder to shoulder with mighty warriors. You are going to be elevated. This will bring you much joy. Be prepared to let go of those who cannot come with you. I am cleaning house and removing all that cannot remain. This is pristine territory. It is sanctified ground. This is your place. You have been through the cleansing process. You have been found pure. You have been found worthy of the title and of the inheritance. I am singing a new breath over my children. The collective unit is made up of many different colours, creeds and religions. The thing that unites them is their faith to sing out to me in times of distress. Instead of grasping at worldly rescue, they ignore the temptations of the enemy, blinkered to anything not of me. You have arrived therefore breathe a sigh of relief. This is your time of take off. This is your season of blessings and breakthrough. Have a believing heart. I know that many of you have gone through the most. You have suffered, and yet you have stood. Continue to stand until you see the full manifestation of my goodness on your life. It is now.”

00:00 It’s 11:11
00:17 Your velocity has generated sufficient lift for takeoff
01:13 It is smooth sailing from here
01:21 You are on an upward trajectory
01:42 The birthing process is complete
01:50 This is a time to flourish
02:15 hard to miss
02:28 You have been singled out
02:36 You chose to follow me
02:46 Your loyalty will not be ignored
03:16 only you are found worthy
03:24 Mighty warriors
03:26 You are going to be elevated
03:29 This will bring you much joy
03:31 I am cleaning house
03:41 Sanctified ground, this is your place
03:47 You have been found worthy of the title and the inheritance
03:55 they ignore the temptations of the enemy
04:17 You have arrived
04:23 This is your season of blessings and breakthrough

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