The World From The Windshield

3 years ago

One of my first “instrumental abstract lofi beats”, but I like it very much. Contains samples from the Travis Bickle monologue (from Taxi Driver, written by Paul Schraeder and spoke by Robert De Niro), a piano flipped part of Summertime as played by George Schearing, a drum beat by Cookin Soul and some horns from the taxi driver soundtrack. The rest (synths, keys synthbass), it’s me playing.

The monologue:

“Thank God for the rain which has helped wash the garbage and trash off the sidewalks. I’m working a single now, which means stretch-shifts, six to six, sometimes six to eight in the a.m., six days a week. It’s a hustle, but it keeps me busy.
All the animals come out at night: Whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.”

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