SHAWN BAKER 4 | Dr Shawn Baker on Chris Bell & Joe Rogan inspired: go carnivore to cure colitis.

2 years ago
presents episode 415 | Dr Shawn Baker
Revero podcast with Brett Ender

I'm from New Jersey, played competitive baseball,
-ate standard American diet, but was athlete, so justified it!
-drank protein shakes, pre-workout
-had about 20 scholarship offers for college baseball
-attended Seton Hall University,
-ate a lot of pizzas, not sleeping great
-Saturday nights drinking a lot
-started noticing blood in stool
-had colonoscopy: diagnosed: proctitis
-took suppository, healed
-senior year internship had real trouble
with blood in stool

Checked into hospital, colonoscopy, diagnosis:
-full blown ulcerative colitis
-had lost 30 pounds
-went on the biologic Remicade
-told, "No cure for colitis. You will be on Remicade whole life"
-get an injection every 6-8 weeks
(at $50k per infusion, covered by insurance)
-recommended diet:
~white rice, bananas, chicken breast

I am not anti-biologic because it did its job of getting me...
-out of chronically inflamed state
Later I got into endurance sports...
-I did carb-loading, took carb gels, made my stomach feel terrible

Everything changed for me in 2019...
-scrolling Instagram, saw Chris Bell
-had not seen him since "Bigger, Faster, Stronger"
-his face looked like he had lost 80 pounds
-Chris posted about his carnivore diet
-I saw you (Dr Baker) on Joe Rogan podcast
"Here is a surgeon, doing carnivore successfully"
-on Reddit, people with Crohn's Disease,
IBS, colitis were having success with eating
meat-based foods

I decided to try it for 2 weeks...
-I noticed that, after a week, I only had to go to the bathroom
once or twice a day
-noticed improvement in mood
-could workout less often but have greater gains
-no stomach discomfort
-skin cleared up


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