307 Light, Laser and Lighting Feats in One Piece to Prove Consistent Faster-than-Light Speeds.

3 years ago

It has always bothered me that people don't give One Piece characters the power and respect that they have earned, because the feat is "An outlier" or "Its inconsistent". So today we are tackling speed. I have gathered 307 Light, Laser and Lighting feats across all of One Piece media (Excluding Anime Filler) to prove this point ONE LAST TIME... Probably not the last time, but whatever.

What is included? Video Games, Movies, Manga/Anime, Anime Canon, Animated Specials, Special Episodes and Live Action Plays.

Games- Because laser dodging is something that can be done repeatedly during game play, I limited the feats I pulled from that. There are several clips that show multiple light speed feats, but I only counted them as one. I focused on finding a diverse variety of gameplay feats rather many of the same (Sometimes the same feat was used from different games for the sake of repetition)
While they are not canon, simply ignoring them because of that is a slap in the face of all the people who made the game, those who played the game, and Oda himself, who inspired and approved the game.

Movies- While not canon Material, they currently would not have happened with out Oda's blessing or at the very least his approval. Because of this movies are granted full canonicity unless they violate important pre-established canon, outside what was blatantly intended, and are supported by similar in canon feats. (If there were no laser dodging feats in the main series the canonicity of Z's speed, on Film Z, comes into serious question)

Anime Canon/Animated Specials- While often referred to as "Filler" Anime Canon is by definition NOT FILLER. Filler is designed to fill in for there would other wise be nothing, the anime would just be on break. It is replacing nothing so it means nothing. Anime Canon, on the other hand is when, for better or worse, things are expanded upon and added, because the series is doing well and people love it. Because of this it gains the same canonicity as movies, as long as they don't seriously violate important pre-established canon, outside what was blatantly intended, and are supported by similar in canon feats, they can be used.

Live Action Plays- A very tricky one to see about, as they are real people and cannon dodge light, however, they are playing characters who have dodged light before, so a certain measure of leeway must be given. However, because of this leeway, these feats cannot stand alone.

The Tier System
Tier 3- Feats that are on the edge of irrelevant due to any number of factors (Questionable statements, Awkward view point, not seeing the full feat or just being irrelevant when compared to other similar feats)

Tier 2- Feats that are certainly notable and could yield a high result, but there are likely better feats to use. However, you definitely want to look at these incase a Tier 2 is actually a subtle Tier 1.

Tier 1- Feats that will likely result in a ability that is far above Tier 2 feats and could become one of the best feats in the series.

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