2 years ago

MERCURY is THOTH (Egypt) and Represents the Plane of THOUGHT.
MERCURY is HERMES (Greek) and Represents the HERMETIC.
Both Thoth and Hermes where considered the messengers of the GODs and had 7 laws or principles:

1 - The Principle of MENTALISM (The ALL is mind; the Universe is MENTAL)

2 - The Principle of CORRESPONDENCE (As Above, so Below; As Below, so Above)

3 - The Principle of VIBRATION (Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates)

4 - The Principle of POLARITY (Everything has Duality; Opposition and Poles; Like and Unlike are the Same; Opposites are identical in Nature but in different Degrees; All truths are but Half-Truths; All Paradoxes may be reconciled)

5 - The Principle of GENDER (Gender id everything; everything has it's masculine and feminine principles; Gender Manifests on all Planes)

6 - The Principle of RHYTHM (Everything Flows OUT and IN; Everything has it's Tides; All things Rise and Falls; The Pendulum Swing manifests in Everything; The measure of the Swing to the Right is the Measure of the Swing to the Left; Rhythm Compensates.

7 - The Principle of CAUSE AND EFFECT (Everything Cause has it's effect; Every Effect has its Cause; Everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; There are many planes of Causation but nothing escapes the Law)

These 7 Hermetic Principles are the basis for the Entire field of Hermetic Philosophy.

HERMES is always carrying "The caduceus" Staff. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, surmounted by wings. In Roman iconography, it was often depicted being carried in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods. The Homeric hymn to Hermes relates how his half brother Apollo got enchanted by Hermes music from his lyre fashioned from a tortoise shell, Hermes kindly gift it to him. Apollo in return gave Hermes the caduceus as a gesture of friendship. The association with the serpent thus connects Hermes to Apollo, as later the serpent was associated with Asclepius, the "son of Apollo".

The caduceus (commonly known as the medical symbol), with its central staff, entwined snakes and feathered wings on top, looks uncannily similar to the subtle energy system described by the ancient Hindus of India. In this system the seven chakras or energy centers are aligned along a vertical column which parallels the spine. Two more subtle energy currents form helical spirals crossing at each chakra and ending in the crown which is symbolized by a lotus with 1000 petals. It is through this system that the kundalini, or energy of the coiled serpent, is said to rise as one progresses towards enlightenment.

Mercury is about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalize things. Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it will certainly be energizing! This planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury’s energy is both dexterous and perceptive.

Mercury is about short trips: a visit to a neighbor or a friend across town, the workaday commute, a weekend getaway. Siblings, and transportation in general, are also within Mercury’s realm.

Speaking, writing, books, online communications and learning are all within Mercury’s domain. This planet implores us to express ourselves often — and well. When Mercury goes retrograde (the appearance of traveling backward), however, our communications will be challenged.

Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun; it takes about 88 days to complete its orbit of the Sun. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and assumes the gender of the sign it is in.


MERCURY is Number 8 (CADUCEUS - Snakes creating 8 towards each Chakra level)
OPHEUCUS holding the snake in the Constellations SERPENS and OPHIUCUS are found in the 8th House of SCORPIO. The 8 Represents our Lower Brain (Cerebelum (Reptilian BULL Brain; CereBULLum) and our Higher Brain (CEREBRUM; CEREB-RAM; Brama; Cebe-ABRAHAM the RAM)

One should put MERCURY in the Center Pathway of GIMEL, from TIPHARET to KETHER (ETHER), within thyself within our TREE OF LIFE) to rise above the CADUCEUS's snakes and open our PITUITARY and PINEAL glands like PEGASUS the Winged Horse (Constellation of PEGASUS Found in the Tarot Card SCIENCE ruled by MERCURY). SCIENCE if found in TIPHARET (6th SEPHIROTH) where the SUN resides in our HEARTS. THOTH teaches that to evolve towards spiritual enlightenment, one must understand and connect with the 7 Principles, As the MOON teaches us not to SIN and feed the Ego, Mercury gives and shows us the mental Laws to rise above the Snakes.


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