Careproct (Sea Slug). | Interesting Facts #Shorts #topchannel

2 years ago

A benthopelagic fish with a body resembling a tadpole can live at depths up to 5500 m. This fish has no scales and loose gelatinous skin. This is the first video of this species in its natural habitat.

Interestingly, fish of the genus Careproctus are found both in coastal shallow waters and at depths of more than 7000 m. They reach a length of up to 27 cm, very small.

The muscles of this fish are soft, jelly-like. They are partially visible through transparent, thin, very mobile skin. The head is thickened, the snout is short, blunt.

The pectoral fins are large, with a wide base. Their lower part is made of long, freely ending rays. The pelvic fins are located between the pectorals. They are fused into a small sucker, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the eye.

The careproct is distributed from the northeastern part of the Laptev Sea to the Norwegian Sea. It is caught near Iceland, Newfoundland and Labrador. Off the coast of Greenland, usually found in fjords with cold bottom waters.

#Shorts #interestingfacts #topchannel

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