2 years ago

MOON - Money (Moon-ey), Monster (Moon-Star), Demon (De-Moon) Etc...
MOON is associated to MINutes, MINotor, MINing, MINi, MINiature, Etc...
MOON is associated to MONTH (MOON-Thly) Monthly
MOON is associated to SILVER (AG) 47 (Hence Monsters (Moon-stars) are often killed by SILVER Bullets... Silver Moon..

MOON FALLS in SCORPIO the Scorpion

The MOON in Mesopotamia was NANNA and crescent moon SIN (The Moon represents and gives access to the 7 SINS... Saturn the snake will convince one to SIN through whispers in the mind... Especially when the INNER MOON is hurting... The MOON is the first gateway or Dimension (Astral Plane) and she is the first test (7 SINS and 7 VIRTUES) in order to evolve our being into higher consciousness. SINing will deplete our general energy and keep it stagnated to a lower frequency that will makes our EGO think we deserve the SINful Pleasures they have to offer. The more it is fed the more it wants... ) The less it is fed the less we think we need.

The MOON, in energy, represents what one thinks they need or want. The dark side of the MOON also demonstrates that she is secretive and is the part of us that thinks we need to hide certain things. The MOON represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious. She describes our emotional nature. This is also why she rules in the CANCER sign; both, also represents the Motherly aspect of life. The MOON sign tells us how we express our feelings, behave in emotional situations, or respond to others' emotions. As she is a SINfull negative energy, she is also a VIRTUous helping energy.

The MOON represents the ASTRAL plane and the DREAM World. She is the GATEWAY that may help us achieve what we need to achieve in order to reach SUN/SON like Energy.

The MOON also represents the Menstrual Cycles. She is the gateway of Life and Death. She is the WOMB-Man (Woman). She takes 29 and a Half days to Orbit which is directly linked to the WOMB-Man's MEN-STRUAL Cycles. MOON-Struus cycles... or in Latin MEN-SIS (month) The MEN's SISter.

In Essence the MOON is our first TEST or TRIAL to rise up to the UPPER SPHERES or CONCENTRIC CIRCLES. She is here to help us surpass our ego that want to SIN through the whispers of Saturn the Crown. The downside is that she is why you are able to SIN in the first place. Surpassing our SINs is controlling our MOON. One should not let the MOON control them through PLEASURE...

As we are made of SALT, the MOON is Greek Mythology was Called SELENE (SEL - Salt). Cell-Salt. Salut (SALuT) Salt-U, Insult (In-Salt). In Greek Mythology she was also known as ARTEMIS (ART-emis) As she represents our emotional expression through ART.

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