Comedy Magic - John Ferrentino

3 years ago

There is a great deal of magic involved with comedy and there is a lot of good comedy involved in magic. In the case of John Ferrentino, that statement can be taken literally. The Long Island born and bred comedian has long been one of the most innovative forces on both the comedy and magic scenes for the last decade.

Ferrentino, who had been one of the first regular comedians on the pioneering nightly television comedy show, “Comedy Tonight”, was beginning to pile quite an impressive list of appearances during the explosion of cable television shows devoted to the comedy craze. He has, in fact, done 37 television appearances in the last 4 years, including the “MTV Half Hour Comedy Hour”, “Showtime’s Comedy Club Network”, “Comedy on the Road Hour”, “Evening at the Improv” and “Stand-Up Spotlight” on VH-1, just to name a few. He’s also been featured on convention, the Tannen’s Jubilee. He has also co-produced the New York Magic Symposium in both New York and California. He has appeared as a featured performer at the World Summit of Magic in Washington, DC., at the Society of American Magicians gala and for the Society of Magicians on numerous occasions.

John Ferrentino humorously refers to himself as the “best comic-magician $29.95 can buy”. But for those who have experienced a performance, the tally would probably be close to priceless.


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