👉Top 10 Safest Countries When The Dollar Collapses

2 years ago

Top 10 Safest Countries When The Dollar Collapses .
The time will come when the US dollar will collapse and be worth no more than the scrap and or collection value of its cotton-paper and dross coins.
A collapse of the dollar will lead to a Mad Max-style anarchy scenario. Anything could happen, and sometimes countries experience unrest during a currency collapse and debt crisis.
It will lead to a total collapse of society.

The effect of devalued dollar reserves on foreign countries is less clear and probably depends on each country.

In case of a major systemic collapse, your best bet is probably to go for rural areas.
Food shortage and urban unrest are the two things you are trying to avoid.
Plenty of countries have lots of land.
Like Russia, which probably be able to sustain a functioning energy market with their natural-gas alternative. Scandinavia would be a good choice in summer.

Welcome to The Atlantis Report.

The Dollar is the global trade and reserve currency. Everyone deals in dollars. So the countries which you should choose should be the ones who do not deal with the dollar at all but or will not in a few years.

So, if they're able to sustain for a few years and go on without using the dollar, they'd be a great choice.

The European countries have one drawback, i.e., their good amount of reserve and trade is in the dollar. So they will feel a ripple not immediately but after a while.

The truth is that no country is safe if the dollar falls because someone or the other you deal with does rely on the dollar, and this leads to you getting affected if they do.

It's the domino effect, and the first to start this fall would be the dollar.

If the dollar collapses, foreign investors and central banks will stop demanding dollars. U.S. bond prices will fall, or U.S. interest rates will rise. Mortgage and credit card rates will soar, sending the U.S. economy back into recession. The U.S. government will respond by opening the monetary floodgates, printing as many paper dollars as necessary to keep the economy from collapsing.
This surge in supply will send the value of the dollar through the floor. Prices for most things will skyrocket, and people whose life savings are in cash, bank, or dollar-denominated bonds will be wiped out.
Many U.S. financial and manufacturing companies will go belly up, along with their stockholders.
Globally, Asian and European goods priced in suddenly-appreciating currencies will become prohibitively expensive for U.S. consumers.

Throughout history, when a nation’s debt exceeds its ability to repay even the interest, it can be assumed that the currency will collapse. Typically, governments exacerbate the situation by printing large amounts of currency notes in an effort to inflate the problem away, or at least postpone it.
The greater the level of debt, the more dramatic the inflation must be to counter it. The more dramatic the inflation, the greater the danger that hyperinflation will take place. No government has ever been able to control hyperinflation. If it occurs, it does so quickly and always ends with a crash.

👉 For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com

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