Review of all the horses and the feeding regime. The young horses are nice and round

2 years ago

At the start I do a review of Arthur. I show how I remove Penny's winter coat.
I spend some nice time in this video petting Banjo. Cleo take ages to come in.
Arthur is pooping out oats, even though they've been crushed. So I'm changing their feed to include feeds that do not need to be chewed. I soak it all with alter. I discuss the role of the water and salt in helping to fill out the flanks. The feeding it much easier now their yards are set up next to the water tanks.

Ruby and Banjo are well and truly back to a health weight and the brumby girls are nice and round. Arthur is so close to being right. Penny is not looking good at the back end, but I think it's just her age and cannot do much about it. She is 30 now. She is still agile in movement. Cleo needs to put on a little more weight.

The oldies are getting crushed oats, soy bean meal, lucerne (alfalfa) chaff, copra and an old horse pellet. I wet it down thoroughly and add salt. They are getting fed twice a day. They are locked in a yard while they eat. They eat as much as they like and when they stand around and stop eating I let them back out to graze. I also keep a large bale of oaten hay available for them all to take pressure off the pasture.
I may add lupins and soak them. Even whole lupins soaked overnight can be a really good way to put on weight.
The young horses get a small snack as a treat when I feed the old horses. More for routine than anything.

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