Covid Secrets: Episode 10 COVID Hysteria: Dispelling the Media-Driven Panic with Dr. Ardis

2 years ago

Extra Episode: Nurse Seabaugh discusses how doctors are ignoring and dismissing vaccine injured people and how they believe unvaccinated people deserve to die. Also everything you need to know about how the Big Pharma-sponsored corporate media manipulated the entire planet into mass hysteria.

Dr. Richard Bartlett tells viewers the exact strategies that the media used over the past two years.
Sadly, the information he reveals proves that we’ve lost many more lives than we should have…
Big Pharma and our healthcare system have failed many people and it’s cost them their lives.
Do you truly feel protected? Do you trust the healthcare system?

Next, Dr. Bryan Ardis is back to tell us even more about how the CDC has manipulated data to fuel their agenda. Did you know this isn’t their first time doing this?
Take a look at the flu vaxx, they’ve been doing this for generations and it seems to have no end in sight…

You’ll also hear from nurse Brittany Seabaugh. What if C0V1D wasn’t the real problem?
What if it was something much scarier? How did they manipulate entire populations on such a massive scale so quickly and efficiently?

Covid Secrets Final Bonus 10 Episode: Profiting From The Panic

Dr. Henry Ealy has played a huge role in fighting against tyranny during all of this and he’s back with more shocking information.

Whistleblower and attorney, Thomas Renz shared extremely detailed data on exactly how Big Pharma is making SO MUCH money from all of this.

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