Adverse Effects of Vaccine coming out and Fauci gets fresh from....... 21 Dec 2021

2 years ago

#GainofFunction #AnthonyFauci #WHO #OmicronVirus #COVID19mandates #CrimeAgainstHumanity #PharmaMafia #WuhanInstitueofVirology #CoronaVirus #NarendraModiCorona #FDA #CDC #NIH #RandPaul #RandPaulFauci #IsraelOmicron #UKOmicron #SAOmicron #ChildVaccines
We continue questioning the agencies and large pharma-mafia on aspects of mandatory mass-vaccination. There is absolutely no track of the cases that are ending up as numbers on a death-toll list being investigated on the lines Adverse Effect Following Immunization. Watch out what are guests think of this.

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