Whistleblower Pie Ep. #8 Suppliment Child Trafficking BQQM

2 years ago

There are two supplements to the March 29 Whistleblower Pie with special Guest: Baby Cryrus Grandfather Diego Rodriguez, Ammon Bundy, Lisa and Tom Eilertson.

If you have not already watched it, the Baby Cyrus Supplement to show, PEOPLE AGAINST CHILD TRAFFICKING, can be found at https://youtu.be/2YpyldpsIbw

This is the second supplement to the show. In this supplement you will see video clips of abducted children through child services, and advocate testimony not only of sex trafficking, but name the BAD ACTOR from our Whsitleblower from Hell Declass BQQM,

That's right, good ol' Arnie the "Terminator" while he was Governor not only inserted the Dirty Judge committing grand larceny up and down the CA coast, he inserted the dirty judges who are cashing out $85k a pop per kid, to rule in favor of the child abductions taking place in those same Courts. The testimonies in this video are damning.

We will also hear from William WAGENER from n Second Thought uncovering some interesting truths surrounding the questionable death of Senator Nancy Schaefer. Senator Scheafer was about to release a book uncovering exactly who the sex trafficking and child traffickers were. All being done under COLOR OF LAW through CPS in the courts, and in government with your tax dollars. We have good reason to believe she was "Terminated".

You will also hear from Carlos Morales. He was a CPS investigator who exposes CPS's Corruption, Kidnapping, and Drugging of Children. He explains the incentives that the State gives to destroy families, and what to do if CPS comes after you, your friends, and your community.

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