The Meaning Behind 14 Strangest Cat Behaviours | Facts about Cats

2 years ago

Begging for food but not eating it
Your cat may beg for food, give it some sniffs and walk away. This can indicate your cat’s desire for attention and love. Recent studies from University of Vienna have shown that cats associate food with affection. To cats, feeding them means loving them. So if your cat needs some attention or love, they just ask for some snacks.
Why cats sudden jump around?
Does your cat suddenly run around the house and then suddenly stop?

“The Japanese researchers found that cats understand
humans, not just by voice tone but also by identifying
certain words including their names, the owner’s name,
various commands you’ve used, and many other
stunning eavesdropping techniques that you
had no idea about…

Because whatever the reason for your cat's inappropriate peeing and spraying

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