Changing Studio 5000 Versions Using an L5K | Studio 5000 V32 back to Studio 5000 V31

3 years ago

This process will show you how to convert a simple Studio 5000 program from one version back to an earlier version.

Throughout the video, I explain the process & some limitations as well so please understand that editing an L5K has been a go-to process for me on many occasions.

This process does change slightly on RSlogix 5000 but is actually a bit easier in my opinion. In the video, I am using two of the most current versions Studio 5000 V32 then changing it back to Studio 5000 31.

There could be many reasons to do this & the support on the internet has been limited so I thought I would try to help by making this short video.

It may sound funny but I go back I reference my own videos from time to time as I work on different projects because we all forget things as we grow into a better version of ourselves.

It is my motto to be a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today & which requires moving forward, I am sure you know that after all, you are watching this video.

Thank you for the support.

0:00 Changing Versions Forward
0:32 Save As L5K
1:20 Importing an L5K file in Studio 5000
1:40 Changing the Studio 5000 Version
2:00 Failed to convert
2:45 Opening the L5K and making edits
3:00 Importing the edited L5K file in Studio 5000
3:25 Succesfully changed Studio 5000 versions
4:15 Showing the versions side by side
4:35 Talking about watch out
5:00 Recommended videos for you

I hope it helped.

Thank you for watching the video.

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