Why Today There is no Difference Between Republicans and Democrats | Ep 125 | The Simple Life with Gary Collins

2 years ago

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Today, I have a very special guest, and fellow regular guest on The World According to Ben Stein Show; Robert Kendall of Indianapolis Radio Station 93WIBC. Rob dissects why he believes today there is no difference between the Black hats (Democrats) and White Hats (Republicans).

Miriam Weaver and Rob Kendall, or Mock ‘N Rob, are heard live in central Indiana Monday through Friday from 9 am to noon. Mock is co-founder of The Chicks On The Right, and Rob was the youngest elected official in Hendricks County when he won a seat on the Brownsburg Town Council. Every day they boil down a complicated world with passionate conversation and a wicked sense of humor. It’s the stories you need to know more about and the stories other media hope you miss entirely. No topic is taboo and no public figure gets a pass!

Topics Discussed:

* A bit about Rob and his super-popular radio show Mock N’ Rob
* Rob’s perspective of our political strife today as a former politician
* How Rob came to his philosophy of Black and White Hats representing Republicans and Democrats
* When he believes the line between the differences of Democrats and Republicans became blurred
* He explains how both sides spend like drunken sailors, but continue to blame the other side
* Why picking sides is futile and why we need true Independents to solve the problem
* We go way off topic at the end, but you need to listen to find out what we discussed

Episode Resources:

* Mock N’ Rob Show: https://www.wibc.com/show/mock-n-rob/
* Other Appearance by Rob on Podcast: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com/robert-kendall-critical-race-theory-101/
* The World According to Ben Stein Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-world-according-to-ben-stein/id1540015480
* The Simple Life Website: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com
*Make sure to signup and be a member of The Simple Life Insider's Circle at: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com/the-simple-life/

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