"I think that there is a real problem": A Conversation with Professor Ilana Redstone

2 years ago

Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson talked with Ilana Redstone, associate professor of sociology at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, to discuss a course she will be teaching in the Spring titled “The Sociology of Political Polarization: Bigots and Snowflakes.”

The course syllabus states that “because the tilt on campus (here and elsewhere) is to the left, we will often focus on opinions and perspectives that are traditionally omitted (often associated with the center and the right). These often coincide with non-progressive (conservative or libertarian) views and some uncomfortable questions.”

Students in the class “will delve into topics and listen to perspectives that some will find distasteful or even offensive,” encouraging them “to consider ideas and perspectives that some have deigned unfit for public (or private) discourse.”

Watch the full video above.

Read the story here: https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=18368

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