Frequently Asked Questions About Pressure Washing in Long Island

2 years ago

For Pressure Washing in Long Island Call +15163508393

Pressure Wash Long Island
108 Jerusalem Ave, Hicksville, NY 11801, United States

If you’re looking for superior pressure washing in Long Island, your first question is probably, “Who can I trust to come to my home or business and provide exceptional pressure washing services?”

The answer is easy:
Pressure Wash Long Island!

Have another query? Here are a few of our more frequently asked questions, answered by the skilled pressure washing professionals at Pressure Wash Long Island:

What’s The Difference Between Soft Washing And Pressure Washing?

Pressure washing is an effective and efficient method for cleaning exterior surfaces. Using the power of pressurized water, contaminants are blasted away from your tough exterior surfaces. Pressure washing is the preferred method for cleaning many outdoor surfaces, and can safely and thoroughly remove even the most stubborn contaminants from your heartier outdoor surfaces, including:

For your more delicate surfaces, soft washing is the preferred method for exterior cleaning. Soft washing utilizes an environmentally-safe eco-friendly cleaning solution to break down dirt and organisms that live and thrive on your exterior surfaces. The contaminants and cleaning products are then gently washed away with a clear stream of soft water, protecting your surfaces from damage that high-pressure applications can cause. Soft washing is used in many processes, including:

Window washing
Roof cleaning
House washing
Your pressure washing professional will evaluate your exterior surfaces and set up a maintenance protocol to meet your specific needs. At Pressure Wash Long Island, we’re ready to provide you with personalized service!

If you need pressure washing for your Long Island home or business, call us today to speak to our courteous and friendly staff and experience the difference at Pressure Wash Long Island.

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