EARLY TREATMENT FOR COVID WORKS! By Being Prepared, You Too Can Enjoy Life Again. Here's How:

2 years ago

1000's Have Successfully Self Treated. Tips, Tricks, Homemade Remedies, and Protocols from Doctors like Vladimir Zelenko, Paul Marik, and Peter McCullough make it possible:

Covid, Cold, Flu, and Other Viruses Can be treated at just by having a few items on hand. It will also save you money.

Many people have become leary of hospitals which seem to be more concerned about money making than patient care.

No need to test for Covid, flu, virus, or cold - Many tests have been shown to be contaminated with dangerous toxins and materials, and are often unable to distinguish between illnesses and variants - many false results have been shown.

Boost your immune system with easy, inexpensive protocol supplements and medications. Some that you can even make at home.

As you develop symptoms, you may wish to begin with a homemade nasal spray/flush which goes up into your sinuses. This can eliminate most illnesses early on per Dr. Peter McCullough.

Take responsibility for your health and do your own research to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Consider using Telegram.org, ResultHunter.com, or DuckDuckGo.com for searches. Use Rumble.com, Bitchute.com, or Gab.com for unbiased discussions and research.
VladimirZelenkoMD.com for Early Treatment Protocol & Updates
AFLDS.org and FLCCC.net, and HealthyAmerican.org for advanced care protocols, legal assistance, support for vaccine injured, healthcare system improvement updates, and much more.
See WorldCouncilForHealth.org for worldwide health care changes being made, Drugs.com for medication interactions and dosing.
AllDayChemist.com, MyEDPill.com, or ReliableRXPharmacy.com for online ordering. MyFreeDoctor.com, DrStellaMD.com, BudesonideWorks.com, PushHealth.com, or SpeakWithAnMD.com for Telehealth Medical Care.

Health Tips and Other Information:
Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol. It was awarded a Nobel Prize for its effectiveness and safety record.
Avoid processed food (salt, oil, sugar) and GMO products.
Follow a Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPBD).
Daily vitamin recommended for assurance of micronutrients and minerals, especially for those who don't adhere to a healthy WFPBD.
Excellent resource to WFPBD Nutrition Experts, studies and research showing disease reversal, including weight loss that lasts a lifetime and reversal of most atherosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Doctors of Medicine and Doctors of Law: Peter McCullough, Simone Gold, Ryan Cole, Paul Marik, Judy Mikovits, Jane Ruby, Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone, Richard Fleming, Vladimin Zelenko, Sherri TenPenney, Robert Young, Pierre Kory, Rand Paul, Bryan Ardis, Byram Bridle, Sam Pappas, Tess Lawrie, Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, Michael Greger, Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, Sheila Furey, Liz Mumper, Barb Zedler, Reiner Fuellmich, and David Martin.

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