Turn Up the Dial on Healing with Sound Therapy

2 years ago

Did you know that switching off the body’s stress response turns up the dial on healing?

All healing processes (like your body’s ability to digest food, absorb nutrients and expel toxins) can only happen when the body’s parasympathetic nervous system is TURNED ON and we are in a resting brain state.


SOUND THERAPY gets you right into that resting brain state!

But all too often, stress and anxiety keep us tied down in the sympathetic “fight or flight” state, where healing and health maintenance processes are slowed down or simply can't occur.

Spending too much time in this “stressed out” state can lead to all sorts of unwanted health symptoms like, anxiety brain fog, digestive issues, and eventually, more serious health conditions.
But once you know what helps you shift gears, you can help your body effortlessly slip into its preferred "rest, digest & heal" state more frequently and turn the dial up on healing!

In-Person, Virtual and Group Sessions Available

#soundtherapy #soundhealing #healthandwellness #relaxation #heartcentered #resilience #brainfog #anxiety #stressrelief #newjersey #pennsylvania

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