Namecheap Domains' List - recorded 28 Mar 2022 before exp.

2 years ago

This is being recorded as further evidence that i managed all the domains listed as you can see and the redirections as well during all these years. Now it's too late to wake up if you were doubting or pretending not to see The Truth in plain sight. This link will be given to irrational doubters, so I put it online Before I stop the payment. Think why invest all that money for someone who got stolen BIG and who is on wellfare....if you thought you were motivated, well you were NOT.
I lost all that money to convince people who don't want to be convinced nor do they want to see the truth. It served for less than 10 people in the end which was expected as well, so i don't regret to have done it, but now it's coming to an end as the Noe's door is closing.
Enjoy the show.
@Melchizedek on Truth Social=Q++

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