The Problem of Evil: Study 5 - part 1

2 years ago

Study five part one -Good and Evil a Very Common Lesson
There are 24 common lessons of evil and we will be going through 1-10.
We will finish up the rest in part two.

1-The lessons of good and evil are set before us to choose.
2-The lesson of good and evil is related to a loving connection to God or a separation from God.
3-The lesson of evil is when one turns away in their heart to other gods.
4-There is an age that the decision making of knowing good and evil begins.
5-We must learn to discern good from evil.
6-We must ask God for a mindset to discern good and evil.
7-We learn that doing evil creates a pattern that is hard to escape.
8-We learn that only God is good and we are evil in nature.
9-We are to learn that knowing God is link to knowing and doing good or evil
10-We are to learn that God is good even thou He allows evil for now.

If you would like to hear more of Alan's teachings on God's word you can go to Warrendale Community Church website. Where he has new sermon ever week.

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