Garage Pantry Empty, Declutter and Organize - Also some organizing and decluttering tips I've learned!

2 years ago

I apologize for not having different angles of the pantry. It is a very tight space and I could only position the camera at the doorway.

Time Line:
0:30 - Empty panty
1:51 - Building new shelves
3:05 - Declutter and Organize tip
5:05 - Minimal Mom
5:12 - Effects of clutter on our mind
5:34 - Decluttering tip - does not include sentimental items - give everyone in the house their own sentimental box/bin to keep their own special items in
6:49 - Going through all inventory and decluttering
7:55 - Cleared off workbench
8:08 - Organizing styles from Clutterbug
8:42 - Organizing and putting everything away
9:55 All done!
10:01 Chicken containers and Rat story
10:30 Before and After

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