"That Don't Befront Me" by ThisMichaelBrown

2 years ago

Music starts here: 0:19
All videos here: https://thismichaelbrown.com

That Don’t Befront Me

I can judge you, You can judge me
That don’t mean, either thing will be
You may think I’m an ostrich, well That Don’t Befront Me

As Wayne did say, lived it to a T
What you think of me, that's none of my business, you see
I am me, and you are you, and we are free

Now news has turned to gossip, bad fiction at its best
I cant seem to watch it, the shit show
When a storm comes, the wind blows, and I just watch the birds

So live and let live, that's enough for me
Leave your neighbor some space, yeah try and let’m be
You may think its wrong, and you may think its right
But, your right to swing your arms, in any righteous fight,
Ends at any face

Thanks as always to Green Screen Clips for fab content! Link below:

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