Whale and The Wolf performs live at Lemmon Stage - The Thread

3 years ago

***DISCLAIMER: This video is released under FAIR USE. It is a recording of a radio show that aired on CKMS 102.7 at Radio Waterloo, a public radio station licensed to play the listed content. The opinions and attitudes expressed on the show are exclusively the opinions of the host. They do not reflect the opinions or sentiments of the African and Caribbean Inclusion Centre or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates.****

The Socially Radical Guitarist airs every Saturday from 3-4pm on CKMS 102.7 and is sponsored by the African and Caribbean Inclusion Centre. The primary goal of this organization is to ensure full integration, full inclusion, and full equality for newcomers in general and Africans in particular. The organization is running a major fundraising initiative to achieve this mission. Any contribution helps towards this initiative. The link to the GoFundMe Campaign can be found here: https://gofund.me/b6c5f31f

ACIC Canada Website: https://www.aciccanada.ca

ACIC Canada Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/African-and-Caribbean-Inclusion-Centre-110800617953087

ACIC Canada Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/AfricanandCari1

Socially Radical Guitarist Radio Waterloo Page: https://radiowaterloo.ca/the-socially-radical-guitarist/

Socially Radical Guitarist Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/ChristianShing2

Socially Radical Guitarist Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SRGCKMS1027

Socially Radical Guitarist Website: https://sociallyradicalguitarist.com/

Site on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/christian-shingiro

Link on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Qoa8rUAYWhnQFFIMfC0Bd

Lemmon Stage is a weekly showcase, provided by Lemmon Entertainment, of emerging musicians that usually plays every Tuesday. It is hosted at the El Mocambo, a bar in downtown Toronto.

Lemmon Stage Website:

Lemmon Entertainment Website:

Lemmon Stage Facebook Page:

Lemmon Entertainment Facebook Page:

Lemmon Stage Instagram:

Lemmon Entertainment Instagram:

Whale and The Wolf is a band from Edmonton, Alberta. They are self-signed. They released their first album in 2015 and have released two new singles in 2021:

Whale and The Wolf website:

Whale and The Wolf Facebook Page:

Whale and The Wolf Instagram:

Whale and The Wolf Twitter page:

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