Lessons in Shaarei Kedushah - The Gates of Holiness - by Rabbi Chaim Vital - Introduction

2 years ago

The introduction to the work Shaarei Kedushah written by Rabbi Chaim Vital (1542-1620). Rabbi Chaim Vital was the student of the Arizal - Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572). In this work, Rabbi Vital teaches us the secrets to ascending to the deepest levels of holiness and even attaining Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration).

In this Shiur, we will be working through the introduction of his work, giving us an insight for what the entire book holds for us.

We will also be looking at some other key points in what Kabbalah is as we work our way through the intro.

It's a Shiur not to be missed!

For more info, please see my site www.lovingkindness.co and feel free to be in touch about anything Torah and life!

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