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3 years ago

Skyblazer é um jogo de plataforma publicado pela Sony Imagesoft, lançado no início de 1994 para o Super Nintendo Entertainment System. A história do jogo traz Sky, o herói Skyblazer (Garuda na versão japonesa) em busca de Ashura, o Senhor da Guerra, que sequestrou a feiticeira Ariana (Vishnu na versão japonesa).


00:00:00 Intro
00:01:43 Beginning of the Journey
00:06:12 Faltine's Woods
00:07:15 The Temple Infernus
00:08:47 Ifrit (Boss) / Comet Flash (Power)
00:11:48 Cliffs of Peril
00:13:43 Tower of the Tarolisk
00:20:11 Tarolisk (Boss) / Heal (Power)
00:21:33 Gateway of the Eastern Plain / Bonus Stage
00:23:23 Petrolith Castle
00:26:33 Evil Wall (Boss) / Star Fire (Power)
00:28:31 The Falls of Torment
00:30:27 Lair of Kharyon
00:34:21 Kharyon (Boss) / Time Stop (Power)
00:40:13 Tha Sand Rivers of Shirol
00:42:05 Gateway of Eternal Storms
00:44:23 Storm Fortress of Kh'lar
00:46:54 Kh'lar (Boss) / Lightning Strike (Power)
00:48:11 Fortress Shirol
00:49:35 Caverns of Shirol
00:55:58 Flame Mammoth (Boss) / Warrior Force (Power)
00:59:47 Shrine of the Weeping Widow / Extra Energy (Bonus)
01:00:22 Dragonhill Forest
01:01:44 The Great Tower
01:09:04 Great Dragon (Boss) / Fiery Phoenix (Power)
01:12:13 Shrine of Destiny / Bonus Stage
01:13:43 Raglan's Citadel
01:15:59 All Bosses (2nd Fight)
01:26:07 Ashura (Boss)
01:35:16 Raglan (Final Boss)
01:41:09 Final
01:41:46 Créditos


● Jogos finalizados: http://bit.ly/jmjogos
● Retro Achievements: http://bit.ly/jm-achieve
● Retroarch: https://www.retroarch.com/
● Discord: https://bit.ly/jmdisc


● #RetroGaming
● #Skyblazer
● #SonyImagesoft

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