NASCAR 21 Ignition: WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? (32:59)

2 years ago

#NASCAR21IgnitionSucks #NASCAR21Ignition #Chevrolet #BeardMotorsports #NASCARCupSeries #NASCAR

32:59. Where the BS begins

I was tolerant of the glitches and what not, but this is frickin ridiculous. What an utter load of BULLSH*T! How? Just How?!

Motorsports Games, you have done a huge, huge, huge disservice to the NASCAR gaming community with this pile of hot garbage. I'm really pissed off that I spent as much money as I did on this, but I'm thankful I didn't by the $90 enahnced version, because I'd really be steaming.

I am probably not going to touch this game until more updates are released and this steaming pile of cow sh*t is fixed. Good job MG. Good Fu*king Job.!/tid=CUSA27897_00

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