BFGC - Mar 27, 2022 Wrath of Yehovah

2 years ago

The Wrath of God is a very difficult topic for many believers, especially for those who do not have a solid foundation on the attributes of Yehovah. Yehovah is not a vengeful, vindictive God. He does not receive enjoyment, or satisfaction, when the wicked are punished. Believers are commanded to preach the entire Gospel of Yeshua and that includes the rewards of not trusting God and not accepting the free gift of Grace, made available at Golgatha. Everyone will be resurrected to stand in judgement before Yeshua, and be asked to explain why they lived their lives without accepting atonement. They need to know now, while there is still opportunity to repent. Believers have a duty to explain God's Plan and not let political correctness water down the message.

KOG Series:
Bible Studies:

Yehovah PDF Bible:

Prayer Line: 435.578.8022

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