Meet Medical Meta-Practitioner Catherine and Alex, Bret, Frank, & Jonathan Meta-Practitioners

2 years ago

I've known Catherine since 2011, a long time ago.
We used to do events together, traveling around the Southeast in the U.S.A.
She's a very strong Seer, the strongest Medical Meta-Practitioner I've ever met in this life.

She is just now returning to her metaphysical self after a long hiatus.
She's only just now returned, in this video, firing up her Pineal and Heart Focal Points, dusting off the cobwebs so to speak.

Believe what you will, Catherine never knew of or talked to the other people in this video, except for me.

Also here are Frank Zhu (very strong Pineal meta-practitioner) who works on the West Coast as does Jonathan of "Johnny Don't Play" on You-Tube, etc.

Alex, often called "Star Gazer" is Source Spirit originating from part of Arae, myself, a long time ago, powerful Heart Energy.

Bret has a very strong Spirit which is more balanced than you're likely to find anywhere. He's also very strong in all of his Energy Focal Points.
He will be working with people but also commanding a distribution network involving Meta-Practitioners here and ETs / ET Hybrids.

Catherine will be also be using ET equipment out in North Carolina, helping people heal. This will be fully disclosed once it begins.

Jonathan has the very important job of keeping the masses up to date on what's happening here on Planet Earth. He will have first hand information from ETs and myself (out of body) relative to not only what's currently happening but what's about to happen next.

You can't see him on the screen, except for his icon in the upper right corner.
He had computer issues with a new computer, I believe.

Frank will be working with the ET Hybrids on the West Coast helping other people, groups, and businesses begin relations with our ET family already here.

Alex will be doing a lot of cruising on the Eastern Coast of the U.S., traveling around North and South America as well as other places.

If you have the time, and the metaphysical world doesn't upset you, this could be an entertaining video for you to watch, even as long as it is.
There's a lot of ET info here as well as sound advice and information.

I have some short, to the point, videos that I'm about to release.
They are a quick summary, less than 30 minutes, of various topics to help you understand what is about to happen.

Take care of yourself and those you love.
There's nothing else so important.

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