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2 years ago

So I have been anticipating the sequel to Top Gun since 1986. Thats 36 years! Then COVID delayed it, then COVID delayed it. All this time I have been asking my friends and family if they are going to go and I get the same response from the conservatives... "Paramount Pictures sold out to China and there is no way I am going", and I say yeah but we have waited so long its supposed to be ground breaking filming and Tom Cruise really flies in it. He even has his P-51 in it! Then they say "Nope, not gonna see that Commi trash". I then hear taps play in my mind, and I am demoralized. My entire childhood shattered. So I thought well obviously no good conservative would buy anything that was made or owned in China. Obviously. Like iPhones, Androids, Nike, LG, Samsung, NBA, Nvidia, Fruit of the Looms, Haynes... wait a minute! I cant wear underwear in the name of boycotting? I cant watch movies anymore. Well I have to support this Boycott with a video on my conservative channel, so here are my thoughts on the matter. SPOILER: ITS GONNA BE MY GUILTY PLEASURE THIS YEAR. Sorry.


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