Radio Riot 💿 I Don't Believe (Full 2001 CD). Freeland/Saginaw, Michigan Punk.

3 years ago

1. Godless Positivity (0:00)
2. Make a Change (2:51)
3. I Don't Believe (4:59)
4. Punk Fucking Rock (7:21)
5. Freedom From (9:14)
6. The Art of Selling Out (11:25)
7. Sick of It (12:40)
8. Locked Away (15:47)
9. Non-Conformist (17:54)
10. Lies (20:00)

Band Members:
Scott Terrian - R. Guitar, Vocals
Mike Nuechterlein - Bass, B. Vocasl
Mike DuHamel - L. Guitar
Mark Michalik - Drums, B. Vocals

Recorded January 2001 by Randy Chandler in his basement
All music by Radio Riot.
Layout/Design by Mark Michalik
Photographs taken by Liz Terrian and Michelle Lukezic.

Also check out:
*Radio Riot 🖭 6 Songs of Shit Demo Tape.
*Radio Riot 🖭 Demo
*Radio Riot 💿 Final Look Back (Full CD)
*Radio Riot vs Global Strategy 🖭 Split Demo Tape

Archived in 2021 by Scene and Unseen Archiving as a part of The Ripped Heart Collection. Radio Riot can be found in Michigan music history book Punk The Way I Remember It: Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions (2020) along with hundreds of other local and national bands.

Punk The Way I Remember It Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions:

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