The Effect Of Interest Rate Hikes On The Price Of Gold, Peak Gold By 2024 As Producers Ramp Up

2 years ago

The world is reaching peak gold according to some researchers, A report from Australia's (DISER), said after a 3.9% decline in 2020 (3,401 tonnes), the world’s gold mine production is forecast to increase by 5.5% (to 3,588 tonnes) in 2021, by 3.0% (to 3,696 tonnes) in 2022, and by 2.0% (to 3,769 tonnes) in 2023. visit out sponsor CSE: PRR I OTC: PRRSF get news direct from the source http://
In 2021, gold mine production in Central and South America and Africa is expected to recover, following heavy losses in 2020. Production in Mexico is forecast to increase by 24% in 2021 to 128 tonnes, Peru (up 35% to 136 tonnes) and South Africa (up 24% to 124 tonnes).
DISER explained that a solid pipeline of projects in Australia and Canada is likely to drive higher global gold mine output in the short term, with miners focusing on expansions and extending the life of existing mines. Australia is expected to overtake China as the world’s largest gold producer in 2021, producing 384 tonnes, as miners respond to high gold prices. In China, stricter environmental regulations are likely to keep Chinese gold mine output at about 370 tonnes a year over the outlook period.
DISER noted that after a peak of 3,807 tonnes in 2024, the world’s gold mine production is projected to decline at an annual rate of 0.8% in 2025 and 2026, to 3,746 tonnes in 2026, as ore grades decline and operational costs increase.
According to the report, the number of unprofitable gold mines is expected to rise from 5% in 2021 to 10% in 2026There are three key elements to prospect ridge resources:
1. Mike Iverson coming out of retirement: This is a person, who has built two major, highly-successful companies in his career and he is just a rock-lover. He believes this company is sitting atop one of the best deposits in the world!
2. Amazing results so far.
The surveys, aerial work and previous mining done in the area (the asset is a past-producer) have brought back gold grades that boggle the mind!
Literally, Prospect Ridge could be one of those once-in-a-lifetime stories
3. Other successful companies in this same geological zone.
Attached are the other companies in the same geological area, who have already developed projects into mines and made early shareholders a bloody fortune!
4. Drilling imminent
Once the snow melts, the rigs are going to start drilling in earnest and the opportunity could be long gone! The whole idea is to wisely position, before the rest of the world learns what's beneath the surface.
Because the land package is so massive, there could be multiple deposits, not just one!
This video was conducted on behalf of Prospect Ridge Resources Corp., and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC and/or affiliates. For our full disclaimer, please visit:

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