Moving to Planet Kriton. Friends From The Metal Planet.

2 years ago

🛸Please read transcript below...

This hypnotherapy session is the second one for my, client. In her first session, we were visited by a very kind and benevolent race of galactics from what we nicknamed the "Metal Planet." One of these sweet beings found her and her friends on a beach in Brazil, after my client had just experienced a traumatic event in her life. This being attached itself to her, to protect her and heal her pain! I have posted below a transcript of our first encounter with Lapidow of the Metal Planet:

🔵 A scan was done on Serena's body for attachments, and we discovered a blue energy in her hands-exactly where she had been experiencing great pain. I moved the energy safely to her throat chakra, so it could speak. I asked;

"What are you attached to Serena at this time?'

"It is so she doesn't open her hands up too much. Because then she might lose something that is hers. Something that is about her riches. I am here as a reminder that she cannot just do what she wants. She might do something too big. She is not using what is in her hands.", replied Lapidow.
(Serena has been greatly concerned about blocks to her healing gifts and the ability to manifest abundance.)

I ask, "but why do you feel you need to do this?"

"Because of the unwanted attention. Her hands are her riches. That is supposed to come through here hands for healing, like an energy push, to heal others. We block this gift because it seems too strange for Earth. It makes her seem strange to others."

I go on to tell Lapidow that Serena must have use of this gift now, to assist humanity during the Earth's shift. I ask when they met Serena.

"It was sometime, in the place you call Brazil. She was debilitated, sickly, from a very big loss. Depressed. She lost her light. It was in your time called 2006. She was giving too much away. I found her on that, the beach. Sher saw us. They all saw us, but they did not know us. They saw round faces with large eyes. In her thoughts, she was thinking of me as an extraterrestrial face. She looked at me. I am called Lapidow."

"What is your home planet", I asked.

"A planet. Small. Round. Shiny. To you it would look like it was made of shiny metal."

"Why did you choose to come to Earth", I asked

"It's cold. Very cold. I was curious. I came on our vehicles with many others. We saw this planet and it was so beautiful. We were just out traveling, and wanted to see this beautiful place. She saw my face. She was sad so I stayed to help her when the others went home. I have stayed."

Lapidow is a lovely and selfless being, so it was very easy to process he/she, and send her back to her home. I explained that it was so nice of them to protect Serena from ridicule, but it is no longer necessary .

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