The Law of Design

3 years ago

From the book "The 15 Laws of Growth" by John Maxwell

The Law of Design

You Can Either Live Life by Default or by Design

To maximize growth, develop strategies

“**If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan**. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” - Jim Rohn

This is about designing your life and developing a system to grow

People spend more time planning their vacations then they do their life

Strategy is a system for obtaining a specific result

Strategy is about thinking ahead

Thinking on the front end is 10 to 1 more valuable then thinking on the back end

Systems allow ordinary people to produce extraordinary results

The system is the solution!

Even you can do this!

Keys To A Great Strategy

1. BIG PICTURE: is it clear and expandable?
1. People who are successful include other people in the picture
2. Begin with the end in mind - Puzzle Front Cover
3. What do successful people do well?


1. relationships
2. equipping- training others and giving them the systems they need
3. attitude- mindset
4. leadership- influence

These are the 4 areas you should focus your personal growth on

Personal Growth is the catalyst for the success in your life

2. Priorities: What is essential for my growth?
1. Priorities determine what I do and when I do it
1. Morning, evening, or lunch type of person? LOL!!!
2. Take the best time and match it with your highest priorities
3. I don't want to speak till anyone till 1pm
1. 1st QTR= 5am-9am = Stretch, Exercise, Meditate, Cold Plunge, Shower, Morning Mindset
2. 2nd QTR= 9am-1pm Deep Work
3. 3rd QTR= 1pm-5pm Contributing To People
4. 4th QTR= 5pm-9pm Contributing To People, Review, Recharge

All growth is not natural but all growth is necessary

3. Measurement: Can I measure it and control it?
1. Yearly Review - 12/13

4. Application: I've got to do something to grow
1. ACT
1. Apply
2. Change
3. Teach
2. 10 min time out
1. where can I use this?
2. Never be a teacher, be a fellow traveler
1. This is what I am learning
3. When can I use this
4. Who needs to know this?

5. Organization: Can I find it quickly

6. Consistency: Can I do it daily?
1. Simple
2. Reproducible
3. Teachable

Always look for the +1 after you do personal growth
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