Matthew 24 - Comprehending The Text ~ Part IX

2 years ago

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)

It has been generally believed that Yeshua here meant that even though the physical Shamayim [heavens] and earth will pass away some day, that is not true about His word which will never pass away. Whether this physical earth and solar system ever pass away is not the point in this chapter. There is more to this statement of Yeshua than meets the eye. Yeshua has been talking in apocalyptic language, and Shamayim [heaven] and earth passing away mean here (and in Matthew Chapter 5) just what He has been talking about—that the Shamayim [heaven] and earth of the old Hekal [temple] order was to pass away, and that His word concerning all this is sure to come to pass.

Continuing Discussion on Matthew 24 Part IX

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