War Room, How the elites stole the election on the night of November 3, 2020

2 years ago

Jeff Odonnell and Doctor Walter Donnelly have done forensic analysis for 7 months and have incontrovertible evidence that the machines had a role in changing the vote. Jeff took a look at the backup image that Tina Peters had before it was destroyed by Jena Griswold’s ‘update’. He found the timeline of the events and a lot of the changes weren’t made by the mesa county personnel. Meaning, Jeff had found extraordinarily a 2nd database within the system and the mesa county officials had no idea that that was going on. By doing this, they were able to hide over 5500 votes that were submitted into the machines. Even with this evidence, still no county clerks are reaching out for inquiry into what Jeff has found? Why? No one is reaching out to them because they didn’t do their own analysis, and you can’t take the political factor out of it. Just look at what has happened to Tina Peters and that has a chilling effect on people. Most Amazingly, Jeff Odonnell and Walter found things that shouldn’t be there. So. Dominion says that there are scanned ballots that go into a tabulation database that go into an adjudication database. An adjudication dadabase is where ballot data is stored and if the ballots aren’t filled in correctly, then either the machines will make a determination or it will then require human intervention to determine the intention of the vote. If bubbles were filled in, that would be considered an overvote and that goes into adjudication. Finally, everything is compiled into a main election database which creates the total vote count. BUT, Jeff and Walter found that there actually is a second database within the same and a second adjudication database within the machines. Some but not all of the records were copied into the new database and now that is what is accumulating counts in the main database. That’s pretty extraordinary to find, what should’ve been there is one tabulating database and one adjudicating database and the way they were found out is that when they copied the records from the first adjudication database to the second adjudication database, they copied some records that were already adjudicated and the clerks were like, “hey wait a minute I already did this one”. And then, when they adjudicated again, the count did not increase. The clerks reached out to dominion which said, “we cannot reproduce the issue”. Jeff is also found something very sinister with the design of the machines. Despite the huge complexity of the dominion machines, changing 1 number within the database can change the outcome of the election, that means there is a single point of attack within the machines to change votes.
And now lets move on to Professor David Clements and Erin Clements who are now conducting a full investigative canvass of otero county in New Mexico. So what exactly happened in Maricopa county? Professor David explains that the Maricopa audit was more of a spectacle than anything else. What David is saying is that initially he thought the way to expose the fraud was to go to high volume areas where the fraud clearly happened, but there was just too much pushback in those areas, e.g. Arizona Maricopa County. The thing that seems to be freaking out the establishment the most are the canvassing, and the findings are truly extraordinary. They are finding that they are changing out the way people are voting, meaning people are saying they voted in through mailin but in actuality they voted in person. They even found an example where an uncle was voting from a house of a family that he has never lived in and he’s been deceased for quite a while. The canvassing is the key that picks the lock because the county clerks can say whatever they want about the voter rolls being accurate, but the canvass is what will reveal all. So lets say what will happen if Erin and David produce a report that is damning in a month, could the county officials themselves vote on a decertification process? David is blunt when he says that he would much rather a decertification but even the whole process of decertification would cause a whole slew of problems. Maybe the best answer is to just fix the problem and then get rid of the machines going forward. So let’s go into the criticisms of the new Mexico Otero county, 1 election officials are saying not to cooperate with Professor David and Erin Clements and they were being accused of pretending to be county officials. A similar propanda talking point is being disseminated in Otero county, that Professor David Clements’ team don’t have the correct voter rolls but they explained that there are ways to get the correct voter rolls without going through the secretary of state. Also, the splunk logs and routers were all rented which is also probably by design.

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