What a Woman Is

2 years ago

I intentionally did this video without makeup. I intentionally left my hair undone for this video. Hair, makeup, dresses and fingernails alone do not make is women.. we are more complex than that. As a woman, I am so tired of men throwing on a dress and lipstick and thinking that is all a woman is. It is a shallow way for them to think about us. It is insulting! Why are we being so nice about this? Most women just don't like conflict, but I don't mind it. These mentally ill men appropriate our identity, badly, they insult us even further by stealing our opportunities and destroying our identity. It is also insulting to our intelligence as a society!

Think about it like this...

1) If a white man put on black face and claimed to be African American, demanded all of the affirmative action privileges they received and beat out REAL African Americans for those opportunities, people would be having a FIT (rightly so).

2) If an able bodied person, identified as Disabled, and took medals away from truly disabled people, people would be having a FIT! (rightly so).

3) People can't even wear Indian Headdresses anymore for Halloween, but a man can just say he is a woman and just becomes one? That is RIDICULOUS.

Why are we (women and society) accepting men taking our opportunities... again?its insanity... women, because we are physically weaker, and generally won't speak up for ourselves, are being taken advantage of. These selfish people are taking our stuff and stripping away our womanhood and identity and changing it into something shallow ... they know women don't like conflict so they just take. They know they are physically stronger, yet they choose to take from us anyway... what sort of horrible person does that? Women are NOT just people in lipstick and dresses and it is insulting to me that they not only can't identify what a woman actually is, but they are fine with MOCKING US using their sick idea of what a woman is... usually some slutty, overly made up parody interpretation. These selfish men throw on a dress and pretend to be us to take our stuff and spaces....

Look, Gender Dysphoria is a horrible mental illness and I am sorry they struggle with it... but to take advantage of the weaker sex so that they can get our stuff is not the answer.... and to mock us so shallowly is insulting! They are NOT us. They do not know our struggles... they do not have our uterus, our hormones, our smaller bones, lack of muscle mass, our chromosomes, our struggles, our BIOLOGY...

Message to these MEN: Please stop appropriating our gender, destroying our identity, and mocking us as some sort of sick parody. You wouldn't do it to black Americans or Native Americans, so why do you think it is OK to do to us??? Learn to love yourself and stop lying to yourself. You don't need to be a woman to like dolls, or play with make up... or to wear a dress. I don't like you doing those things because they are OURS, but if you find you have to, at least realize you are not really a woman and that you have no right to our opportunities and stuff. Just be satisfied as a man in a skirt and accept that and be happy. Stay in your own spaces.. in your own lane. let us be safe in our own. Stop bullying and manipulating our society into this stupidity!

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