Canadian Bill of Rights - Charter of Rights and Allodial Title - (land title) ?

2 years ago

Canadian Bill of Rights - Charter of Rights and Allodial Title - (land title) Do you Actually Comprehend what this ??????????

The Company or Corporation called Canada ( example of company or corporation as of follows: McDonalds, Pepsi, Coca-cola, Walmart, COSCO, ) or in any part of Canada at the commencement of this Act that is subject to be repealed, abolished or altered by the Parliament of Canada.

Also to add the Charter of NO =rights was introduced in 1982 under the Canada Act and positioned to the slaves as a charter of freedom and rights does NOT and has never intended for the slaves (definition of slaves is Canadian Citizen)

The Charter is a Charter for the Corporation of Canada. (example is you charter a plane, charter a ship) Many slaves are uneducated what the charter actually represents, and are duped by ignorance and further deceived by Lawyers. (definition of a Lawyer is as follows B.A.R. stands for British Accreditation Registry
The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And Roman Law .
This Has Been Used To Enslave us all as we are Canadian citizens.

( to end this fraud you MUST remove yourself as a Canadian citizen, and also comprehend the Canadian Flag, means you have been conquered by a foreign Entity called Canada. So many sovereigns are deceived by the Canadian maple leaf flag which means they been captured.

What is the primary goal of the Parliament of Canada - The Parliament is self appointed or individuals are selected form one of their secret society members who strictly perform the Duties of the globalist company called Canada Inc.

The process of being sworn in as a CRIME MINSTER of Canada INC requires three oaths. Not to their founding document, not to Canadian principles, and not to the people of Canada.

His allegiance is to the Queen:

I, __________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada,
Her Heirs and Successors.
So help me God.

Oath of the Members of the Privy Council:

I, __________, do solemnly and sincerely swear (declare) that I shall
be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the
Second, as a member of Her Majesty's Privy Council for Canada. I will in
all things to be treated, debated and resolved in Privy Council, faithfully,
honestly and truly declare my mind and my opinion. I shall keep secret
all matters committed and revealed to me in this capacity, or that shall
be secretly treated of in Council. Generally, in all things I shall do as a
faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty.
So help me God.

Oath of Office:

I, _________, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear (declare)
that I will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge,
execute the powers and trusts reposed in me as ...........
So help me God.

This was super weird to my American ears. Where was his oath to the Constitution of Canada, or the rights of Canadians, or Canadians themselves? Then I remembered... Subjects of the Queen do not have rights that were not given to them by the Queen. Subjects of the Queen are... well, just subjects of the Queen.

And Justin Trudeau ( and all previous Crime Minsters ) is a creature of Her Majesty the Queen of England. He ultimately only has to do what she tells him to.

Does that make his behavior in the Trucker Protest make more sense? He has a higher loyalty than his loyalty to every Canadian.


We seem to think of the UK, Canada, Australia and America as sovereign Nations, but this is just another sham of deceit

They have democratic processes for putting together a government, but that government serves at the pleasure of the Queen and the Queen is a figure head, and she answers to the Vatican. Seem strange, but do your research and you may uncover the facts how your are truly deceived and why you have NO rights. Long ago The British Crown reacted to a rebellion of Lords and gave them some power, but it never gave a bill of rights to Britons, and has always kept the ultimate power. If Elizabeth is unhappy with the performance of elected government, she can make a Crime Ministers resign, dissolve parliaments, and make them start over.

The Vatican Crown knows that it can only push the people so far, and deceive them for years under threat, and their is and always been an uprising. when this occurs, they create another war, or a world war. As they are doing in numerous areas around the world.

We know in our bones that we have Unalienable rights. Rights to speech, rights to guns for self-defense, right to a fair trial, right not to allow police in our homes, right to life, liberty, and property.

Not so for subjects of the Queen. Brits, Aussies, and Canucks are subjects of the Queen.

There is no freedom of speech . Saying something or exercising your unalienable rights could get you arrested

Canada citizens (slaves) only got a bill of rights which is also misleading and worthless..

And even those rights were given to them by this fraud the Queen. The fraud can take them back whenever she wants.

The British Empire, power flows down.

The Monarchy and her colonies see it this way: Their God chooses and empowers the queen or king, the monarch then creates the government, and the people are at the bottom of the power structure and only have the rights that their monarch, her Lords and ministers, grant to them. And as those rights come from Her Majesty and her ministers, they can be taken away by them as well.

Rights are alienable. or inalienable

Yes, alienable is a word, but it’s rarely used. It means able to be sold or transferred.

It’s opposite, of Unalienable, Unalienable is used to describe things, especially rights, that cannot be taken away, denied, or transferred to another person. unalienable, which is no longer in common use.

We as Sovereigns hold these truths to be self-evident, “that all men ands women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty ,Property.” The top of the power structure is we the sovereigns ; We never gave our Unlikeable rights to these corrupt self appointed criminals or to their de-facto Governments.

.Kings , Queens, Nobles, and barons, have just changed their names to Presidents, Crime Minsters, premiers, Governors, Governor General, MP's MLA,s , Mayors, City Council, School board trustees. and so on. can do what they want.

Any challenges, harm, threat to the Authority of Canada Inc, is strictly prohibited by ROMAN CASE LAW,

They supposedly have the AUTHROITY to protect their INTEREST at all costs!

SIMPLE terms is any harm, threat to their business of rape, plunder, extortion, pillage and murder MUST NOT be Questioned.

If ever challenged they will use any and all force to protest their Globalist Company called Canada INC, by threat of a creating any Common Law they see fit to ensure nothing interferes with their business of rape,pillage, extortion, fraud and murder!

Methods used to ensure that the business of Canada Inc is no way ever threatened or their Authority ever challenged! They will simple use their Common Law, corrupt courts to ensure no case has a chance to challenge their Mafia Corporation. They will imprison or remove these sovereigns by murder or in most cases they are reported as to the slaves in their controlled propaganda media that they have suicided themselves.

The common phrase is they

No Question is answered, and business continues

The federal government appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court, the Federal Court of Appeal, and the federal Tax Court of Canada. (The Supreme Court, founded in 1875, has been Canada’s highest court of appeal since 1949. The federal courts deal primarily with matters concerning the federal government).

Under section 96 of the B.N.A Act, 1867, ( the fraud is they call it a constitution it constitutes NOTHING its a 100 percent fraud and Lie! to deceive millions) the de-facto federal government also appoints judges to the higher courts of the provinces and territories. They are sometimes referred to as “section 96 judges.” They sit in the superior trial courts and courts of appeal of the various provinces. The superior trial courts have different names in different provinces. For example, the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta; the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario; and the Supreme Court in Nova Scotia. (See also Court System of Canada.)

Now the scam of allodial Title scam being perpetrated by a few to deceive many and empty their wallets. beware of these false money drifter scam!!!!

Truth will free you , NOT regurgitates lies by controlled Opposition, drifters, and T-shirt merchandize - and the Huge Donate button for Nothing.

Time for your Voice to Be heard, Speak facts, inform, educate and then we will end this LIE called Canada!

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