How To Successfully Value Crypto Tokens, Crypto Currency, Bitcoin Trading Mastermind

2 years ago

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How are tokens valued? Do we value them the same way we value stocks?
Now the first thing you are going to say is absolutely not. Stocks are valued based on discounted cash flows. How much revenue they generate, how much profit they make and those revenues. That is what matters when it comes to valuing the stock but I can tell you that's not really true. Amazon did not make a profit for almost 20 years. Zero, and guess what? It was valued more than zero.
Now, tokens don’t have cash flows with the exceptions of some DeFi applications, but there are other metrics we can track things like blockchain usage, the transaction count, the operation count. The thing is if you look at, which tracks operations and for WAX, transactions, you will see that the top five blockchains as measured by operations are not the top five market cap tokens.
What about other metrics? How about the value of the community? No, not really. If you look at the biggest Telegram communities, you will see that some highly valued tokens have relatively high numbers of Telegram members but it is not consistent across the board. What about a metric that is near and dear to my heart? The amount of effort that a blockchain team puts into software development. Well, to debunk that one all you have to do is look at litecoin. Essentially no new development in over a year but it's still a top 10 token by market cap. Thing is we all want to believe that metrics and effort and even cash flows correspond to token prices and stock prices but they don't, at least not directly and rarely in the short term.

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